Classroom Interaction of English Teachers and Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Ado Local Government, Ekiti State - International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts & Science | IJARBAS

Classroom Interaction of English Teachers and Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Ado Local Government, Ekiti State

Date of Publication : 30, Jan, 2024

The study considers the classroom interaction that exists between English language teachers and primary school pupils. The study adopts a descriptive survey design to describe the existing phenomenon of classroom interaction between public English language teachers and primary school pupils with the samples of fifty respondents among teachers drawn from urban and rural areas of the local government. The study makes use of structured questionnaire that elicits questions to match the research questions. The validity of the instrument is ascertained by experts in Language Education where necessary corrections are pointed out and effected. The instrument is administered to twenty respondents that are not part of the samples and their responses are collected, analyzed through split-half methods and the reliability co-efficient of 0.82 is realized which is considered good enough for the study. The study finds out that domineering tendencies of teachers in English classrooms have negative consequences in pupils’ academic achievements. It also finds out that different collaborative strategies can impact positively on pupils’ academic achievements. The study discourages negative feedback and bullying to students by teachers in case mistakes are made by pupils. It recommends that teaching of English language should be collaborative while participating strategies be used at the primary schools most especially at the formative stage of pupils.


Keywords: Class Interaction, Collaborative, Academic Achievement, Participation, Teaching,

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Author(s), AJAYI, Oyedokun Samuel (Ph.D), (2024). “Classroom Interaction of English Teachers and Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Ado Local Government, Ekiti State”. Name of the Journal:  International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 111 , DOI:  , Issue: 1, Vol.: 6, Article: 1, Month: January, Year: 2024. Retrieved from

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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)

6.1 – 2024 – 1 – Classroom Interaction of English Teachers and Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Ado Local Government, Ekiti State

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