Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement

The following guidelines are fully consistent with the COPE Principles of Transparency and Best Practice Guidelines of IJARBAS European International Journal and the COPE Code of Conduct. IJARBAS EU International Journal highly encourage the best practicing standards of publication ethics and takes all possible steps against publication malpractices.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement:

IJARBAS is a peer-reviewed, open-access European International Journal highly committed to ensuring the highest standards of research papers publication ethics. All parties involved in the act of publishing such as authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher) have to agree upon the IJARBAS set standards of ethical behavior. We disclose that the following principles of Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement based on the IJARBAS Code of ConductBest Practice Guidelines for Journal Editorial Board Committee on Publication Ethics. IJARBAS has a wing i.e. called “Centre for Business, Arts & Science (CBAS)” it is strongly & professionally monitoring publication Ethics and Code of Conduct of IJARBAS European International Journal.

Peer Review Process:

All research articles in this journal (IJARBAS) have undergone rigorous peer review process, based on initial screening of Chief-Editor and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees assigned by the IJARBAS International Journal Authority. After completion of the peer review process the respective article will be immediately published in the IJARBAS journal at online version and in the Printed Version if they wish to take the printed copies from IJARBAS International Journal.

IJARBAS Authors’ Responsibilities:

Responsibilities & Role of Authors at IJARBAS.COM Journal: The Authors are requested to submit to IJARBAS an original research i.e. “not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere”. Authors should be carried out an accurate presentation of the research work, a discussion of the significance of the work in context with innovative and previous works, and ought to contain sufficient experimental detail to allow others to replicate the piece of work. Regarding citation in the Manuscript: Appropriate citation of earlier published works must always be included. Authors should disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that may be construed as influencing the research/survey data or interpretation. The all sources of financial support should be disclosed. The Authorship should be limited to those persons who have made an important contribution to the work in terms of conception, experimental implementation, design and data analysis and interpretation. Co-Authors: All the persons who making significant contributions should be included as co-authors. Strict Instruction to Author: If an author discovers a major error in the published work, the author is obligated to inform the IJARBAS journal editor in order to either correct, amend or retract the paper.

IJARBAS Reviewers’ Responsibilities:

Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers –

  1. Maintain deadline for manuscript Reviewer Report delivery after review work.
  2. Respect confidentiality.
  3. Respect copyright protection of submissions by not using in their own research or work any unpublished data, information, interpretation, or discussion from a submitted article.
  4. Maintain objectivity in reviewing submissions and avoid personal criticism of
  5. Be aware of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or
    other relationships between the reviewer and author) and be willing to alert the editor
    to these, even if it means withdrawing themselves from reviewing a manuscript.
  6. Be vigilant for plagiarized material and/or falsified and/or manipulated data and be
    willing to alert the editor if this is suspected in a manuscript.

IJARBAS Editors’ Responsibilities:

Publication decisions
The editor in chief is responsible for deciding which of the research papers submitted to the journal will be published and which are not to be published.

Ensuring a fair and unbiased double-blind peer review of the research manuscripts and that all data, information related to them is kept confidential. They (Editorial Team) else confirm that both authors’ and peer reviewers’ identities are protected; ensuring that right reviewers are selected;

Before publishing manuscripts, editors ensure corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies whenever needed.
The editor in chief and his/her team will evaluate manuscripts without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship, ethnic origin, or political philosophy. The acceptance or rejection decision will be based on the paper’s importance, significance, the scope of research, quality of papers, originality, and clarity, and the study’s validity and its relevance to the journal’s scope. Current legal requirements regarding copyright infringement, libel, and plagiarism should also be considered.

As part of the editor’s responsibility, editors must be ensuring that unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted research manuscript are not used in an editor’s own research except the express written consent of the concerned author.


IJARBAS Publishers’ Responsibilities:

As publisher of IJARBAS, the Centre for Business, Arts & Science (CBAS)

provides respective practical support to the editors and executive editorial board of IJARBAS so that they can follow the set Code of Conduct for IJARBAS Journal;

protects intellectual property and copyright;

ensures the autonomy of editorial decisions in regard to publication;

ensures that good publication ethics practice is maintained to the standards defined above.


Confidentiality & Reliability:
The editor and any editorial board members must not disclose any information regarding a submitted manuscript or paper to anyone other than the corresponding author,  potential reviewers, reviewers, other editorial board advisers, the publisher, associate publisher and co-publisher as appropriate. IJARBAS all concerned believe that maintaining publications confidentiality is a kind of reliability.

IJARBAS Publication Process Chart & Editorial Procedure:

IJARBAS.COM International Journal’s Publication Process Chart & Editorial Procedure is appended below: